Test: Navigate to the previous option in a listbox popup


  1. Configure VoiceOver for macOS with default settings. For help, read Configuring Screen Readers for Testing.
  2. Activate the "Open test page" button, which opens the example to test in a new window and runs a script that expands the combobox, sets the combobox value to 'Alaska' and places focus on that option in the listbox popup
  3. With focus on an option in the listbox popup, navigate backwards to the previous option. Do this with each of the following commands or command sequences.
    • Ctrl+Option+Left
    • Up Arrow

Record Results

Navigate to the previous option in a listbox popup

After 'Ctrl+Option+Left'

Which statements are true about the response to Ctrl+Option+Left?
State of the combobox (expanded) is conveyed
Role of the popup ('listbox') is conveyed
Name of the popup ('States') is conveyed
Text of the focused option in the popup ('Alabama') is conveyed
State of the focused option in the popup (selected) is conveyed
Position of the focused option in the popup (1) is conveyed
Number of options in the popup (56) is conveyed
Were there additional undesirable behaviors?(required)
Undesirable behaviors

After 'Up Arrow'

Which statements are true about the response to Up Arrow?
State of the combobox (expanded) is conveyed
Role of the popup ('listbox') is conveyed
Name of the popup ('States') is conveyed
Text of the focused option in the popup ('Alabama') is conveyed
State of the focused option in the popup (selected) is conveyed
Position of the focused option in the popup (1) is conveyed
Number of options in the popup (56) is conveyed
Were there additional undesirable behaviors?(required)
Undesirable behaviors