Test: Navigate out of the start of a radio group


  1. Configure VoiceOver for macOS with default settings. For help, read Configuring Screen Readers for Testing.
  2. Activate the "Open test page" button, which opens the example to test in a new window and runs a script that sets focus on the first radio button
  3. Starting at the 'Regular crust' radio button, navigate to the 'Navigate forwards from here' link. Do this with each of the following commands or command sequences. If any settings are specified in parentheses, ensure the settings are active before executing the command or command sequence.
    • Control+Option+Left Arrow then Control+Option+Left Arrow then Control+Option+Left Arrow
    • Shift+Tab
    • Shift+l (single quick key nav on)

To perform a task with single quick key nav on:

  1. Press Control+Option+q.
  2. If VoiceOver said 'single quick key nav off', press Control+Option+q again to turn it back on.

Record Results

Navigate out of the start of a radio group

After 'Control+Option+Left Arrow then Control+Option+Left Arrow then Control+Option+Left Arrow'

Which statements are true about the response to Control+Option+Left Arrow then Control+Option+Left Arrow then Control+Option+Left Arrow?
Role 'link' is conveyed
Name of the link, 'Navigate forwards from here', is conveyed
Group boundary is conveyed
Were there additional undesirable behaviors?(required)
Undesirable behaviors

After 'Shift+Tab'

Which statements are true about the response to Shift+Tab?
Role 'link' is conveyed
Name of the link, 'Navigate forwards from here', is conveyed
Group boundary is conveyed
Were there additional undesirable behaviors?(required)
Undesirable behaviors

After 'Shift+l' (single quick key nav on)

Which statements are true about the response to Shift+l (single quick key nav on)?
Role 'link' is conveyed
Name of the link, 'Navigate forwards from here', is conveyed
Group boundary is conveyed
Were there additional undesirable behaviors?(required)
Undesirable behaviors